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Student Travel Support

AWRA Florida provides financial support to students attending AWRA Florida Technical Meetings and AWRA National Conferences. If you are a student and would like to be reimbursed for travel expenses related to meeting or conference attendance, please submit requests (incuding projected travel expenses) to AWRA Florida's Student Travel Support Coordinator (Gordon Brown). See below for requirements. For more detailed information, see our Student Travel Support Policy.

AWRA Florida Technical Meetings

To qualify for reimbursement, students must:

  1. Be a student member of AWRA Florida in good standing.
  2. Submit a request (including a proposed budget for gas, tolls, lodging, etc.) to AWRA Florida's Student Travel Support Coordinator no later than 10 calendar days prior to the meeting date. Late requests will not be considered.
  3. Students shall submit all relevant paid receipts to AWRA Florida's Student Travel Support Coordinator along with the name, email address and mailing address of the person to be reimbursed no later than 10 days after the meeting date.

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